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Breakdown of ODA by type of cooperation in 2019

The table below (breakdown of gross ODA tab) gives the distribution by type of cooperation of all Luxembourg’s 2019 ODA expenditure, following the rules of the DAC.

This reveals that bilateral cooperation, as defined by the DAC, represents 71.85% of all expenditure (DCF and budget lines), while 28.15% was expended on multilateral cooperation.

Humanitarian aid, which is included in bilateral cooperation, was 12.82% of ODA in 2019.

NGOs administered almost a fifth of Luxembourg’s ODA, of which almost 16% was administered by Luxembourg NGOs approved by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

The difference between gross and net ODA is due to the reimbursements made to the Development Cooperation Fund (DCF) or directly to the State Treasury during the year (cf. point 5 below).