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Development cooperation relations between Luxembourg and El Salvador began in 1993, as part of efforts to rebuild the country following the civil war. El Salvador had priority partner country status with Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation until 2015. Its admission to the category of middle-income countries on the basis of some significant progress made in development has since that time made it possible to embark on a new innovative and inclusive partnership approach which makes more use of national systems and procedures.

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The year 2020 saw the continuation of the main bilateral projects in the area of development cooperation, in close collaboration with President Bukele’s government. Luxembourg’s development aid has focused on three key areas, through innovative projects targeting:

  • support for the El Salvador government’s social policy;
  • support for youth employability through civil society via the Fondo Concursable managed by the El Salvador government (FOCAP);
  • support for South-South and triangular cooperation (FOSAL).
  • These projects are directly delivered by the El Salvador government, with the role of LuxDev being restricted to support and monitoring.

In 2020, Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation also continued its support for the NGO FUNDE, a long-standing partner, in the area of fiscal transparency and combating corruption, and initiated support for the work of the International Commission Against Impunity in El Salvador, established by the Bukele government in collaboration with the Organization of American States (OAS).

The Luxembourgish NGO Action Solidarité Tiers Monde (ASTM) received co-financing from the MFA in El Salvador in 2020 and continued the implementation of projects in the human rights area.

Priority areas of intervention

  • Good health and well-being
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Climate action
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions

Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation has contributed to the national response to COVID-19, in particular by supporting the creation of the country’s first university hospital within the framework of a triangular cooperation project with Argentina and Colombia. Support from Luxembourg also made it possible to ensure the continuity of Fondo consursable’s activities through the distribution of hygiene kits to young people and the introduction of remote training courses. These adjustments made it possible to achieve a high rate of retention in the youth employability programme, despite a very strict lockdown.

Reference data

  • Population (MIO): 6.5
  • GNI (per resident): USD 8720
  • Human Development Index (HDI): 124/189
  • Life expectancy: 73.3
  • Indicative Cooperation Programme: N/A

Key achievements 2020

  • Adjustments to our bilateral projects have enabled the continuity of activities and effective support for the national response to COVID-19.
  • Luxembourg has supported the fight against corruption in the country, through our long-standing partner FUNDE and the OAS Commission Against Impunity.
  • Luxembourg strengthened its support for female entrepreneurs in Central America and supported SICA’s regional response to the pandemic in its health and socio-economic dimensions.