Luxembourg has also commissioned a strategic and prospective study on the direction of future cooperation between Kosovo and the Grand Duchy on development cooperation and the future positioning of Luxembourg Development Cooperation in Kosovo. The study’s objective was to identify avenues and approaches to feed into Luxembourg’s thinking with a view to adjusting or reorienting the future strategic positioning of Luxembourg Development Cooperation in Kosovo.
As it does every year, Luxembourg has carried out evaluations of NGDOs. In view of the difficulty in conducting field missions abroad in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Luxembourg has carried out an organisational assessment of six NGDOs, in response to a need for information on their operation, in particular concerning their organisational structure and management for the implementation of the projects co-financed or of the framework agreements: Action Solidarité Tiers Monde, Coopération Nord-Sud, Nouvelle Pro Niños Pobres, Œuvre CGFP d’Aide au Développement, OGBL Solidarité syndicale and development assistance programmes for Enfants du Monde. The aim of the evaluation was to take an external look at the organisational performance of each NGDO, put forward recommendations enabling them to evolve and maximise their potential, and provide them with a learning opportunity and a space for dialogue.
Luxembourg also launched a mid-term review of the Indicative Cooperation Programme (ICP IV, 2018-2022) between Senegal and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The objective of the review, currently in progress, is to provide evidence to assess Luxembourg’s contribution to the implementation of Senegal’s development strategies. It focuses not on current interventions but on evaluating the ICP IV as a whole and the priority sectors mentioned therein. The conclusions and lessons learned from the review will make it possible to make potential improvements to the current programme with a view to strengthening its contribution to combating poverty, attaining sustainable development and improving the quality and effectiveness of Luxembourg Development Cooperation’s interventions in Senegal.
In addition to managing and monitoring evaluations, Luxembourg focuses on the work of evaluation networks. In 2021, Luxembourg participated in the meetings of the OECD’s DAC Network on Development Evaluation (EVALNET), the COVID-19 Global Evaluation Coalition and the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN). In addition, as part of MOPAN’s work, Luxembourg hosted the high-level virtual round table on accelerating the multilateral response to climate change.