Environment and Climate change
They will continue to influence countries’ development conditions. These changes constitute threats and a major challenge for societies in their ability to meet basic human needs, promote justice, peace and security and pursue sustainable growth and development.
Environment and climate issues are therefore a key element of the overall aim of Luxembourg Development Cooperation’s general strategy, and one of the three cross-cutting issues on which its actions focus. Luxembourg Development Cooperation’s environment and climate change strategy, presented in 2021, aims to frame all its activities and aid within sustainable, inclusive, renewable or low-carbon development dynamics that are resilient to the effects of climate and environmental change, in accordance with international environmental conventions, Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement goals.
2023 saw progress in the implementation of the new gender and environment/climate strategies. The tools developed to ensure the strategy is properly deployed both internally and by the main partners of Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation have been finalised and made available on the Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation website.
In 2023, the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs was part of Luxembourg’s delegation to the COP28 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Dubai. Many bilateral discussions were held at COP28 with the delegations from Luxembourg’s partner countries and organisations, in order to strengthen political dialogue on environmental and climate change issues.
Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation has also continued its involvement in the interministerial management committee of the Climate and Energy Fund (CEF), chaired by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity.