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Global partnership for effective development cooperation

Launched with the ambition of being the main multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for advancing the development effectiveness (DE) agenda, it seeks to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. At the Busan forum, the four principles of effectiveness were formally set out. These are: (i) country ownership of development priorities by partner countries and alignment with their policies, systems and procedures; (ii) focus on results; (iii) inclusive partnerships; and (iv) transparency and accountability to one another.

The PMCED aims to overcome the dichotomy between the so-called “donor countries” and “recipient countries” by opening up in particular to the emerging countries as the main protagonists of South-South and triangular cooperation, to civil society organisations, to the private sector and to philanthropic foundations. The PMCED has also officially established a mechanism to periodically measure and monitor progress on commitments to implement the principles of development effectiveness, in line with partner countries’ priorities. This global monitoring framework (Global Monitoring Round), with common indicators, benchmarks, targets and objectives, should allow comparisons between countries over time to demonstrate the results and impacts of implementing the principles of effectiveness and should thus foster mutual accountability among development partners.

The fourth global monitoring cycle was launched in 2023 in the first countries, including Burkina Faso as Luxembourg’s first partner country. Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation actively participated in this data collection, which will not only serve as a basis for discussion on DE within the country, but will also inform three targets addressed by SDG 5, “Gender Equality”, and SDG 17, “Partnerships for the goals”. In Cabo Verde, which expressed its intention to participate in the fourth global monitoring cycle in 2023, Luxembourg was identified as the champion of the development partners. In that role, Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation will liaise and coordinate with the other development partners, provide them with technical assistance and advice, facilitate consultations and provide logistical and organisational support to workshops and meetings as part of the monitoring exercise.