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Although the security and political situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is known to be volatile and complex, 2023 saw a particularly high number of crises in the northern West Bank as well as the large-scale humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, following the attack by Hamas on Israel on 7 October.

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The crisis in the Gaza Strip has led to the temporary cessation of development project activities in this part of the OPT, but has also resulted in an increase in humanitarian contributions from Luxembourg. Luxembourg allocated a total of EUR 14.8 million to the OPT in 2023 (including all types of aid). This amount is the highest contribution from Luxembourg for the OPT since 2011.

In terms of partnerships, Luxembourg has continued its support for civil society actors through multiannual partnership agreements with the Palestinian Agricultural Development Association (PARC), an NGO working to strengthen sustainable livelihoods and economic inclusion in rural communities, the NGO Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS), an organisation active in the sector of women’s reproductive health, the NGO Teacher Creativity Center (TCC), which works in the area of training in psychosocial support for teachers in Palestinian schools, as well as with the NGO Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN), working in the area of transparency and inclusive governance.

In 2023, Luxembourg added new support to the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) project in inclusive and digital finance, whose local partner is the Palestinian Monetary Authority. The project covers a two-year period (2023-2025).

Development of PDA

Reference data

  • Population (MIO): 4,92
  • GNI (per resident): 7.370
  • Human Development Index (HDI): 106/191
  • Life expectancy: 73

Sector breakdown