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Exchanges with various players in the private sector and in research continued in 2023, regarding the potential of space technologies able to directly support the implementation of development cooperation projects, access to space in developing countries and capacity building, as well as the deployment of space technologies such as in the context of earth observation. In this context, an ongoing dialogue has been conducted with the Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA) to explore avenues for collaboration.

Luxembourg provided expertise through the Space Law for New Space Actors project, implemented through the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA); the project came to an end in 2023. Another practical application of Space for Development is, a platform that uses, among other things, satellite technologies to restore communication in the event of disasters. In addition, in 2023 the Business Partnership Facility financed a project by a Luxembourg company active in the field of earth observation, targeting the development of a certification system for carbon credits in Cameroon.